The Health Succour

Universal Health Coverage

Most maternal deaths
are preventable

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means that all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them without financial hardship.

In Nigeria the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has not been fully achieved as the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) failed because the law setting it up made it optional for people. Countries that have successfully achieved the Universal Health Coverage made it mandatory. Most countries implemented UHC through legislation, regulation and taxation.


Mother and Child in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) population . These are people who have been forced to flee places of habitual residence as a result of armed conflict, violence, violation of human rights or human made disasters who have not crossed an internationally recognized state border. 

Mission & Vision


The Health Succour Nigeria is a non-governmental organisation with the aim of providing universal health coverage to reduce maternal and child mortality in internally displaced persons population and also providing mental health support encompassing preventive, curative rehabilitative and palliative care.


The Health Succour Nigeria aims to provide mental health support and Universal Health coverage to reduce maternal and child mortality in Internally displaced persons population.

Outreach Locations


Campaign The awareness drive would entail monthly outreach activities to the IDP camps.

UHC Strategy

The Health Succour Nigeria strategy is to reduce to the barest minimum the scourge of maternal and child mortality amongst the internally displaced persons population by addressing structural barriers to improved outcomes and building sustainability and lasting impact